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Common Structural Timber Repairs You Need to Know

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Timber is an important product for your home construction projects and repairs. Whether it is meant for floor beams, roofing, fencing posts, joints, lintels, screen partitions, etc., it is necessary to get the best type and quotation as well. Basically, the use and form of timber from a historic perspective is a major concern when handling common repairs in your home. Here are some considerations you have to make when making timber-related repairs in your home. 

Decay Complications 

Moisture is a common challenge that must be addressed with timber-related structures. It is often caused by leakages or poor maintenance of the given structure. With timber decay, fungi will often give way leading to dry rot. In addition, it may also attract wood-boring insects which affect the quality of your home. Make a routine to check the condition of your home roofing systems to ensure that there are no leakages. 

Like-For-Like Repairs 

In most cases, the simplest repairs involve a straightforward replacement of the whole timber. This may include an exposed verge rafter or a rotten lintel. Therefore, replacement offers the best option to fit a strong and substantial piece of timber. In addition, it may be necessary to adjust the design of the structure to avoid future complications. 

When addressing timber repairs, you may consider retaining as much historic fabric as possible. Hence, the best solution is to repair rather than replace the original components. Scarfing a new piece of timber to the old may be the best option. The new part of timber can be connected by a lighting joint, bolted or pegged. 

Resin and Steel Options 

While beam systems in your plumbing repairs need a little more assistance, you may consider inserting flitch plates on the entire length of the beam. The method involves accurate cutting of a slot into your timber system to make the beam a composite of both steel and timber. To make the best impact possible, the plate may take a T-shape either upside down or right way up. Engineers advise that the steel section is best let into the underside section of the beam. 

Spread Roof Structures 

Let's turn our attention to roof structures. The spread-out A-frame indicates inadequate ties or systematic decays at the eaves level. Therefore, inserting timber additions often lowers collars and tie beams between the rafters and trusses. In addition, it assists in reducing roof spread and restrains outward thrust on your walls. 

For more information on structural timbers, contact a professional near you.
