How A Water Tank Is Installed
Large water tanks can be used for multiple functions around your home, such as rainwater harvesting, shower and tap supply, livestock watering and even for your swimming pool. The following is an overview of how water tanks can be installed in your household.
Preparing The Site
The most important element at the site of the tank installation is the base where the water tank will be placed. In the case of a concrete base, the sand is compacted suitably before pouring a reinforced slab of cement around the base.
In the case of a sand base, the gravel and stones are removed from the site to keep the tank's base safe from damage. The base always has to be at least 300mml bigger than the tanks diameter.
Water Tank Pipework
A uniseal is then used to seal your pipe into the tank. Most times, some soapy water will be sprayed onto the uniseal so as to have the pipe slide in easily. The tank and lid strainer is then positioned under the gutter. This allows for a decent amount of slope for the downpipe to draw water from the main tank supply.
The downpipe capacity will be installed to match the overflow capacity. For example, two 90 mml downpipes would require two 90 mml overflow pipes. The overflow pipe has to be aligned away from the site's base to avoid erosion. If the water in your water tank will be used for human consumption, filters will be installed to ensure that the water is suitable for drinking.
Placement of the Tank
Water tanks are ideally installed at the end of the house or shed. This takes advantage of the best catchment available from a shed or house roof. In most cases, downpipes are fed from both gutters into the tank.
Water Tank Outlet
The next step is to design an outlet for the main water tank. A ball valve is typically installed at the bottom of the water tank. This is the main outlet where a 300mml hose is connected, and the tank outlet fittings should not be over tightened.
From here, a small household water pump is placed in the outlet line to give pressure to several outlets and to the hot water system.
Safety Measures
The tank site has to be protected from wash out or animals such as rabbits. Gravel and stones will also be kept away from the base to avoid damaging the base of the water tank. After installation, the water outlet should be covered up by a casing of wood or a layer of compacted sand.